Saturday, July 11, 2009


So I lived to tell...It's been a miracle to say the least. All the fears that I had with the "what ifs" from the procedure. I was really not so worried abt the procedure as I was on what would have had happened if it went wrong, like I get a stroke or something. Well maybe only when they started to jab me before drilling the tube, that I became afraid of the pain.

It wasnt that painful, just the feeling of helplessness as I laid on the operating table...I was awake throughout as I was only on local anasthetic. And like I told dar after that, felt very "violated" to have so many people looking and cleaning me up...

But I was really touched by all the concerns, prayer and well-wishes; from all of dar's friends, my colleagues and friends and esp my family. It's like you feel you are not alone through the trials...but hearing about my dad's loss of appetite, seeing my brother almost tearing and my mother-in-law losing sleep and making me the snakehead soup despite her knee pain, made me reflect on what a lousy family member I have been. And talking to dar after the episode made me realise how much she has to keep her fears to herself.. really I am just thankful to God for his mercy..

how do you explain when a resting ECG, a stress-test ECG, a heart perfusion test that all showed something was not very right, which had led to this angiogram in the first place, suddenly my arteries were not blocked, and my heart function was normal, according to the "gold standard" angiogram. By the way, the angiogram was supposedly the gold standard, because it involved putting the dye through the main artery leading to the heart and using a 3D scan with ECG all the way, so that they could see the heart in motion...I asked the doc and he could not explain why. Even my doctor friend in the navy said sometimes things are like that...

So I can only say thanks to God for answering my prayers. Of course, no more taking things for granted, and it will be a health-watch and exercise from now on..for me and dar. Of course..starting tomrw...just 1 last "sinful" meal with dar...


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