Friday, January 26, 2007

Keluarga Saya (My family)

I am attending Indonesian classes, and today, the theme was really something very close to my heart- keluarga saya...

I went with my wife recently for her check-up. I pestered her to, as I really wanted the gynae to see her, although she was, as usual at her pregnant stage, wanting to try to save $$, and so wanted to postpone her visit. She's 33 weeks now, but maybe cos it's no. 4, she's really having a hard time. I wish I can do something for her, but the only thing I can offer her is my time and care (esp providing all the suppers)....

Separately, a couple of days ago, Claire also said something that really pricked me. After my wife had gone through her homework, I was in the room with her but logged into my computer, when she suddenly turned to me and asked if I had a little time. I said "Yes Claire, why?". She answered in her sweet innocent voice, "Do you think you can spend a little time with me? You have been spending time with di di and mei mei. We can do anything you want, like painting or play computer games ". At that, I really froze. I felt really ashamed that I had forgotten that my 1st born was 6+ and also needed me. And so we had a few games of tic-tac-toe. The 15 mins we played together was really enjoyable and unforgettable.

Really, I feel very blessed for my three little ones and my 1 and only love. Must try to fulfil my New Year resolution of work-life balance...

And for the record, she beat me 2 games to 1.


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